We invited you to celebrate our wedding

Billy & Eirene

Monday, 17 May 2021

About Us

The Bride And Groom

Billy Taurus Arbiter

Son of
Mr. Leopardi (+)
& Mrs. Lina Buntoro

Eirene Pyx Pomantow

Daughter of
Mr. Harnol Pomantow
& Mrs. Rollin Junita Mapaliey


“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and it cannot be made angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it. Love is never happy when others do wrong, but it is always happy with the truth. Love never gives up on people. It never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits.”

- ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:4-7‬ ‭ERV -

Our Special

Wedding Event

  • 00Hari
  • 00Jam
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  • 00Detik


17 May 2021

17.00 WIB
Until End

Unity building Lt 3

Wedding Reception

17 May 2021

18.00 -
21.00 WIB

Unity building Lt 3



Send Message

For Both Of Us

Mami Olvy & Fam
Banyak selamat buat Billy dan Iren,, tetap jaga cinta kasih dari Tuhan GBU 🤍
Frau Jovanca Palijama dan Ferena Bawotong
Selamat berbahagia Eirene dan Billy❤️❤️Saling mengasihi,menghormati satu sama lain jadi berkat dimanapun berada.Tuhan Yesus hadir dlm pernikahan di Kana dan melakukan mujizatNya yg pertama demikian juga Dia hadir dlm pernikahan kalian dan melakukan mujizat dlm hidup kalian.Bahagia selalu yaa Eirene &Billy.Tuhan Yesus memberkati & menyertai keluarga kalian.Peluk sayang dari mantan wali kls Eirene .Frau Jovanca.🙏❤️❤️❤️
Welly en Metta
Welly : selamat yaaaa billy n iren... Metta : happy wedding lon*****gggggg.... Langgeng smpai amah engkong,,, punya anak dan cucu yg banyakkkkkkkk....biar meneruskan moto keluarga banyak anak banyak rejeki... Semoga bahagia selalu till the end... Xoxoxo Dewi dan santi : ko billll kuninggggggg.... Asekkkk ada yg nikaaah.... Plusssss 2 uiiii.... Smg Lancar smpai hari H dan Langgeng sampai kakek nenek... Doa yg terbaik utk xan berdua yaa...
fredi dan keluarga
congraaatzz brader, hope ur marriage is full of love, joy & happines. 👍
Gaby Billy
God bless your marriage life sister, we’re so sorry can’t be there on ur special day but our prayer will always be with u both 🤍
Ka Encis,
Selamat buat Billy & Iren.....Bahagia selamanya. Ka Encis, Os, Lionel , Keyla minta maaf nda bisa hadir krn Sikon skrg.
Tiwi dan Levo
Congrats ya Billy dan Iren Bahagia selalu GBU 🙏🏼
Kel.Regar Pomantow
Selamat Bersukacita Billy dan Iren🙏 Semoga Berbahagia sampai Kakek Nenek😇
Congratz utk billy Dan irene semoga selalu bahagia sampai akhir hayat

*Soundtrack by For a Lifetime {The Wedding Song} // Ryann Darling feat. Cory Ard // Original // On iTunes & Spotify*

Don't doubt for coming, We have coordinated with all parties regarding the prevention of transmission of COVID-19. Our program will follow all health protocol procedures to prevent transmission of COVID-19. So, don't be panic, we look forward to seeing you there!

Use a mask

Keep distance each other
minimal about 1 meter.

Normal body temperature
(under 37,5°C)

Wash your hands using water and soap or using the hand sanitizer.

The invited guests are expected to follow COVID-19 prevention protocol

Billy & Eirene
Special Invite To:
Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan penulisan nama/gelar

Give an Angpau

For those who want to give angpau as a gift for our wedding, please transfer it to this account number below 😊
Eirene Pyx Pomantow

Please copy this number account below:

Kindly chat this bride's whatsapp number to confirm. Thanks 😊🙏

Send a Gift

Bank BRI KCP Kebun Sayur Jl letjen suprapto RT 4 Balikpapan Barat
Receiver: Eirene

Please copy this bride's address below: