With the hope of grace and ridho of Allah,
unite them
In the Holy bond of marriage rope
The taste of the day and happy in our heart and engraved over the overflow of the grace of Allah, we invoke his Ridho to make a wedding receptions of our son and daughter, which insyaAllah will be held on:
Jl. Antasari RT 09, Sungai Salak, Kec. Tempuling, Indragiri Hilir. Riau
21st January 2021
08.00 a.m
Jl. Antasari RT 09, Sungai Salak, Kec. Tempuling, Indragiri Hilir. Riau
21st January 2021
10.00 a.m
till end
“May Allah gather those scattered from the two, bless them both and may Allah improve the quality of their offspring, make them an opening the door of grace, a source of knowledge and wisdom and a giver of security for the people.”
(Doa of Nabi Muhammad SAW, on his daughter's wedding
Fatimah Azzahra with Ali Bin Abi Thalib)
Countdown Timer
To The Bride and Groom
Don't doubt for coming, We have coordinated with all parties regarding the prevention of transmission of COVID-19. Our program will follow all health protocol procedures to prevent transmission of COVID-19. So, don't be panic, we look forward to seeing you there!
Use a mask
Keep distance each other
minimal about 1 meter.
Normal body temperature
(under 37,5°C)
Wash your hands using water and soap or using the hand sanitizer.
The invited guests are expected to follow COVID-19 prevention protocol