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God makes everything beautiful in His timing. It was beautiful when He brought us together. It's beautiful when He fosters love between us. And it's Beautiful when He unites us in a bond of Holy Marriage.

Kevin Sampurna Hartono, S. Kom

The only Son of
Agustinus Hartono.
& Connie Purwagani

Jeanny, S.Ikom

The youngest daughter
Alm.Tio Hie Lim
& Telly Yacob


GBI House Of Shalom Bintaro

20th February 2021

13.00 WIB -
Until End

Wedding Reception

Harris Suites Puri Mansion

20th February 2021

17.00 WIB -
Until End

"For at the beginning of the world, God made them male and female, therefore a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, so that the two of them will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what God has joined together, man cannot divorce. "

- Markus 10:6-9 -

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With all due respect, because of we are in a pandemic situation, we apologize for not able to invite Mr / Mrs / Brother / Sister to be present at our wedding ceremony. The blessing of Mr / Mrs / Brother / Sister to the bride and groom is a joy for us.

We Love Each Other

Our Memories

  • March 2017

Kita gak pernah nyangka berawal dari sebuah game online yang booming saat itu dan bisa berakhir memutuskan untuk bersama. Awalnya gak pernah menduga karna kita berteman biasa aja gak punya maksud untuk jalanin hubungan

March 2017
May 2017
  • May 2017

Karena udah punya kesibukan masing-masing dan emang kebetulan tempat tinggal kita yang cukup jauh jadi bikin males untuk ketemu

  • May 2019

Kita ketemu lagi pada akhirnya dan masih dicerita yang sama. Sama-sama punya pasangan dan masih main game bareng sampe keesokan harinya dan sampe 2020 gak pernah ketemu lagi karena kesibukan kerja masing-masing. SAD πŸ™

May 2019
July 2020
  • July 2020

Langsung ketemu mamaku dan yaudah aku pikir kita cuma bakal main bareng lagi aja karna terlibat di game yang sama. Akhirnya makin kesini kita sama-sama punya pemikiran kenapa sih kalo udah ngeklik kita gak sama-sama aja?

  • November 2020

Yeay he proposed to me and i said yes!

November 2020
February 2021
  • February 2021

Emang kayaknya terasa singkat persiapan pun mulai padat tapi karna kita selesaiin sama-sama semua jadi cepat dan tuntas tepat waktu


for those who want to watch the blessing procession, we add the features below

Live streaming of the Blessing can be watched on 20 th February 2021 (13.00 WIB-finished)


For The Bride and Groom

Zafira Kanara
Happy Wedding Day Kevin & Jean... wishing u joy, love and happiness πŸ˜‡πŸ˜ŠπŸ₯°
Hatmantaka (Toki)
Buat Kevin & Jean Selamat berbahagia dan menempuh Hidup Baru, Semoga menjadi keluarga yg sakinah mawadah dan warahmah ... Amin YRA. Toki & kelg.
Vina Huang
Congrats Kevin & Jeanny❀️ Finally end up here yaa kep setelah kegalauan kegalauan yg lalu. Haha... Best wishes for both of you, semogaa kehidupan pernikahan kalian diberkati dan bahagia selalu. Amin..
Adjie, Kimskie dan Donald
Happy wedding to Kevin and Jean! May your marriage be succesful with unconditional love. May you enjoy eachother every single day of your life! God Bless you! Love, Adjie, Kimskie en Donald
Nita Wardani
Happy Wedding Day Kevin & Jeanny... May God bless you two in love, health and wealth.. amen
Francis "Gary" Gerson
Hey Jeanny, congratulations for your wedding with Kevin from the bottom of my heart. Ngga nyangka sih ini anak yang dulu gw pertama kali main ke rumah lu yang dulu (waktu itu lw masih kelas 3 SMP) udah bertumbuh dewasa jadi cantik dan tiba-tiba married besok. (Times goes fast, right?) Gile gw ngga nyangka, wkwkwkwk. Congrats ya Jeanny & Kevin! Gw doain keluarga lu diberkati melimpah! Big Love 😘 - Gerson
Om Samuel n tante Voni Sby
Happy Wedding to Kevin n Jane.. kiranya Tuhan memberkati pernikahan kalian... cepet dpt baby .. langgeng terus yaa.. penuh damai sukacita n bahagia selalu .. Gbu πŸ˜‡πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜
Happy wedding, love birds! πŸ’• So glad to hear the good news from you both Wishing you happiness, love, and joy on your wedding day.
Rinandi & Yuri
Couldnt have a better news than this. Congrats kevin & jean ! Our blessings and prayers will be with you. Its not an end, its a new journey to both of you Jean, pls be very very very patient handling my friend yes, i know he's a jerk and asshole as well, yet ur the only one he loved, from today until the end of time. Kevin, udah ya mas mesumnya, udh pny bini. Coba itu bini mu disayang2 ya. Gw cmn mau jd saksi jean nangis itu nangis terharu when ur baby is born into this world, bukan nangis gara2 elu berulah. So thats it, happy for both of you !! Note : abis honeymoon, bolehlah kita bersua ya. This time we'll find place with a baby friendly enviroment !
Congrats buat kalian berdua, semoga dilancarkan segala urusan dan semoga langgeng selamanya.. All the best, happy to you both!

Previously, we would like to apologize regarding our wedding ceremony, which with a heavy heart could not invite Mr., Mrs., brothers and sisters due to the COVID-19 pandemic that we are currently experiencing.

Therefore, together with this information, we intend to share this happy news as well as ask for prayers and blessings from you all for our marriage. Thanks.

Berikan Angpau

Bagi yang ingin memberikan angpau sebagai hadiah untuk pernikahan kami, silakan transfer ke rekening ya 😊

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Untuk konfirmasi pengiriman Angpau boleh ke nomor Whatsapp mempelai. Terimakasih πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

Kirim Kado

Puri Mansion Apartment Tower Beryl 16 I1, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 11610
Penerima: Kevin / Jeanny

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